Harnessing The Elements: the Potential of Elemental Magic Systems
Harnessing The Elements: the Potential of Elemental Magic Systems - June 4, 2022 at 5:30 - 6:30PM EST The archetypal and primal resonance of elemental magic systems make them a staple trope in fantasy magic systems — but how can we uniquely adapt this classic magical expression to simultaneously build up characters and the secondary world? On this panel, we’ll explore techniques and modifications that can be used to refine the classic elemental magic system and provide more in-depth worldbuilding and story development. Learn how to enrich your reader’s experience by providing a fresh take on a much-loved convention in your own fantasy writing! This panel is part of Storycrafting Sessions: Fantasy, a 100% FREE virtual conference happening on June 4th! Sign up for this panel or look at the…