Races, Religions, and Cultures: How to Ethically Borrow Inspiration from Existing Patterns of Human Existence
Races, Religions, and Cultures: How to Ethically Borrow Inspiration from Existing Patterns of Human Existence - March 19, 2022 at 2:30 EST The vast diversity of richly-populated worlds is a common and much-loved aspect of Science Fiction. Since we haven't met any aliens (yet...!), the diversity within a writer's mind and work is a direct product of what we know of history and can learn or extrapolate from personal experience. This panel will discuss how to ethically borrow inspiration from existing cultures without perpetuating harmful stereotypes, and distinguishing the difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation (and how you can avoid the former!) when writing Science Fiction. This panel is part of Storycrafting Sessions: Science Fiction, a 100% FREE virtual conference happening on March 19th! Sign up for this panel or…