Races, Religions, and Cultures: How to Ethically Borrow Inspiration from Existing Patterns of Human Existence

Races, Religions, and Cultures: How to Ethically Borrow Inspiration from Existing Patterns of Human Existence - March 19, 2022 at 2:30 EST The vast diversity of richly-populated worlds is a common and much-loved aspect of Science Fiction. Since we haven't met any aliens (yet...!), the diversity within a writer's mind and work is a direct product of what we know of history and can learn or extrapolate from personal experience. This panel will discuss how to ethically borrow inspiration from existing cultures without perpetuating harmful stereotypes, and distinguishing the difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation (and how you can avoid the former!) when writing Science Fiction. This panel is part of Storycrafting Sessions: Science Fiction, a 100% FREE virtual conference happening on March 19th! Sign up for this panel or…
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Civilization and Conquest: Colonial Echoes & Themes in Sci-Fi

Civilization and Conquest: Colonial Echoes & Themes in Sci-Fi - March 19, 2022 at 12:30 EST Many aspects of mainstream Science Fiction involve or revolve around themes of discovery and exploration. As Science Fiction boldly explores the far reaches of space and other dimensions, or extrapolates futures -- utopic, dystopic and in-between -- writers face a challenge to capture the magical moments of discovery while addressing the fact that many 'magical moments' of discovery in human history were followed by exploitation, war, and varying forms of oppression for the resources and peoples 'discovered'. As far as we fling our minds to encompass the vast imagined (and not-yet imagined!) corners of the universe, echoes of colonialism and conquest follow. Science Fiction offers an ideal arena for reimagining history or reengineering the…
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Trigger Warning: Writing Sci-Fi With Emotional Awareness

Trigger Warning: Writing Sci-Fi With Emotional Awareness - March 19, 2022 at 11AM EST on Zoom! Various traumatic events like wars, genocides, invasions, & colonization -- on an individual, global, and often galactic scale -- often form important plot and thematic points in Science Fiction. While these are important events to represent, they also present a dilemma as they are traumatic events with wide ripple effects that can be felt for generations on individual, social, cultural, economic and national levels. Developing an aware and conscientious approach when working with emotionally triggering content is important when working with material of this type or scope. This panel will discuss how to tackle sensitive subjects in Science Fiction, and how writers can cultivate informed and effective story development while avoiding harmful stereotypes. We'll…
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10 Twitter Tips for Authors Based on 10 Years of Experience

10 Twitter Tips for Authors Based on 10 Years of Experience

Twitter might not have a billion users like Facebook does, but the bird app is still a powerful social media platform for many businesses, especially in the publishing industry. In fact, as the most word-based of all the major social media platforms, Twitter has naturally evolved into the place to forge connections with writers and other publishing professionals. In this collection of Twitter tips for authors, I'll share what I've learned in almost 10 years of using Twitter as a serious part of my author platform. Let's dive into it! Twitter tips for authors 1. Optimize your profile Alechia Dow Twitter profile You can customize three major areas of your Twitter profile: Bio. You can use up to 160 characters in your Twitter bio. Note that you can include links…
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Diversifying Your Income Part 3: Book Merchandise

Diversifying Your Income Part 3: Book Merchandise

One of the best ways to diversify your income without giving yourself a whole other job is to create merchandise for your books. Your books don’t have to already be successful for this to work either. In fact, high-quality book merchandise can attract new people to your work. In this article, I’ll explore: 12 book merchandise ideas + book merch I loveWhere to sell your book merch When you’re finished reading, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to start selling your own book merch. Book merchandise ideas The first thing most authors think of is custom bookmarks. This is a great start, but there are many other types of merch you can create: 1. Buttons/pins Buttons are a great way for your fans to display their love of your…
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Announcing the Author Success Club

Today marks the launch of my newest endeavor to help authors build successful long-term careers: the Author Success Club. The Author Success Club is a premium membership club hosted on Ko-fi. Every month, the Author Success Club provide new resources to help members improve one of the following areas of their careers: Marketing - Most resources will focus on digital marketing since that’s what my expertise is in, but there will also be resources to help you sell books at in-person events.Health - This might not seem career related, but when your health falls apart, so does everything else. The Author Success Club will share resources on how to make self care part of your routine in order to maintain the health of your brain and body.Writing craft - All…
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Experts Speak: Tips to Tame Your Newsletter with Mary Kit Caelsto

Experts Speak: Tips to Tame Your Newsletter with Mary Kit Caelsto

When it comes to marketing, nothing beats a newsletter. Sure, it sounds old school, and when you think about your own overflowing inbox, possibly a bit hard to believe that people use them to sell books. And yet, the direct connection with your readers puts your books in front of them and cultivates a relationship that you just don’t get through Amazon or other vendors. But newsletters also come with so many questions. What do you write in them?How often do you send them?What’s the best way to get subscribers?Why do I have to give Mailchimp (or any other newsletter provider) my address? I'll answer each of these questions today, giving you the tools you need to start growing your email list. Why do I have to give my newsletter…
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How to Use Twitter Chats for Writers as Networking Tools

How to Use Twitter Chats for Writers as Networking Tools

One of the most important things you can do for your author career is to connect with other writers, especially writers in your genre. Writer friends can help you keep perspective when publishing gets tough and celebrate when things are going well. Authors in your genre are also great people to run cross-promotions with. And you can connect with them by learning how to use Twitter chats for writers. In this article, I'll explore: What Twitter chats areCurrent Twitter chats for writers, with a focus on chats for fiction writers7 ways to get the most out of Twitter chats And soon enough, you'll be meeting new writer friends through Twitter chats! What are Twitter chats? Twitter chats are recurring events where people gather on Twitter at a specific time to…
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Editors Talk: How to Self-Evaluate Your Story Structure

Editors Talk: How to Self-Evaluate Your Story Structure - July 3, 2021 at 5PM EST What do editors look for? How can you make sure your story is in the best shape possible before submitting to a publisher, magazine, contest, or other venue? This panel of editors and authors will share how to evaluate and refine your story structure before sending your work to an editor. They’ll also share some of the most common structure mistakes they see. Moderated by Nicole ZelnikerFeaturing: Emelyne Museaux, Hannah Van Vels, Jeni Chappelle, Crystal L. Kirkham, Stephi Cham Sign up here or check out the full event schedule! Nicole Zelniker is an author and a producer at The Nasiona. She graduated from the Columbia Journalism School in 2018. In 2015, Nicole worked with Triad City Beat as their investigative intern. She is the former editor-in-chief (2016-2017)…
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How to Host a Virtual Book Launch Party

How to Host a Virtual Book Launch Party

As COVID-19 vaccination numbers rise in some parts of the world, in-person events are slowly becoming a reality again. Depending on where you live, you might even be planning an in-person book launch party this fall. However, there are still several reasons to learn how to host a virtual book launch party: People from all over the world can attend your eventYour event is more accessible to many disabled peopleLess preparation is required; you don't have to secure a space or organize snacksYou can run the event from the comfort of your own homeThese events are generally free to host All in all, a virtual launch party is a great way to celebrate a book release, and can even serve as a companion event to an in-person release party. In…
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